Here you can find a collection of electric and electronic circuits realized by the PSpice tool or by Cadence ORCAD Capture Lite.
You can freely download, use or modify all the stuff you'll find here.
Anyone who wishes to collaborate and share his experience, i invited to send, his works.
OrCAD 17.2 PSpice Designer Lite Software, it's freely downlonable, after registation,
PSpice is a free open source software, download it
Transfer function
How to plot the transfer function of any circuit using PSpice.
JFET small signal ampification circuit (ORCAD Capture Lite)
by OrCad Light
JFET characteristics (ORCAD Capture Lite)
JFET input and output characteristics by OrCad Light
VDD is a ramp voltage generator that creates a voltage ramp in VDS .
To parametrize in VGS the curves, Vgg changes by regular steps.
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